Filipi Damasceno Vianna

Portugu�s English

I'm currently working as Mechatronics Technician for the Research and Development Institute at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I'm assigned to the Computing Laboratory. I am graduate at Control and Automation Engineering at the same university.

From January 20th, 2005 to December 30th, 2007, I had played the technical leader role at the so called ITSG, which is a virtual group for supporting university students, professors and staff members with information technology related subjects.

My bookmarks:

One Laptop Per Child
ESRU's Web site, home os ESP-r
PUCRS Robot Chalenge (portuguese)
Solar water heating using empty PET bottles and milk cartons. (portuguese)
[AI ] PHP Classes The PHP classes repository
[AI ] ask Igor Automated debuging web service
[/. ] Slash dot  News for nerds, stuff that matters
[ W ] Wikipedia  the free encyclopedia
G o o g l e  web search engine
KartOO web meta searcher.
[ ( ] Seti@home  The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
CAPES Journals
Partimage Harddisk Image Cloning for PCs
Ghost for Unix Harddisk Image Cloning for PCs
[ @ ] Apple Computer, Inc.
[ @ ] Debian GNU/Linux
[ S ] Slackware Linux
[/>\] Linux Kernel
[\/\] Samba
opening windows to a wider world.

Web Applications

Web based PUMP dimensioning system (english/portuguese)
GNU Octave Control Systems Toolbox, web front end (english)
Machine Tool Cuting speed calculator (portuguese)

White papers

(for my 2006/2 pneumatics and hydraulics control class)
[PDF] Special algoritm to prevent underflow errors with Baskhara Theorem 76k (portuguese)
(for my 2004/2 numeric calculus class)
[PDF] Two iteractive ways to find equation's roots 99k (portuguese)
(for my 2004/2 numeric calculus class)
[PDF] Integration between ERP and WMS and advantages with free software adoption 284k (portuguese)
(for my 2004/2 Production Systems Administration class)
[PDF] Aplications of Differential Equations of order 2 128k (portuguese)
(for my 2003/2 calculus B class)
[PDF] Direct Methanol Fuel Cell 281k (portuguese)
(for my 2002/2 chemistry class)

Laboratory procedure reports

[PDF] Thermal treatments practice on aluminium alloys 1004k (portuguese)
(for my 2006/1 materials for mechanic construction class)
[PDF] Thermal treatments practice 1.9M (portuguese)
(for my 2006/1 materials for mechanic construction class)
[PDF] Competitive Strategy 40k (portuguese)
(for my 2005/2 quality assurance class)
[PDF] Gauge Blocks calibration report 64k (portuguese)
(for my 2005/1 dimensional control class)
[PDF] Caliper calibration report 68k (portuguese)
(for my 2005/1 dimensional control class)
[PDF] Dial Indicator calibration report 80k (portuguese)
(for my 2005/1 dimensional control class)
[PDF] Micrometer calibration report 68k (portuguese)
(for my 2005/1 dimensional control class)
[PDF] Dial Test Indicator calibration report 76k (portuguese)
(for my 2005/1 dimensional control class)
[PDF] Manufacturing Processes 1.3M (portuguese)
(for my 2002/1 workshop practice class)


Elipse Scada (mini course, given on 2006).
AVR Tools (some free tools to program Atmel AVR contolers)

Personal projects:

Esção (n~m~p) a ``Non-Von Neuman'' Computer
Mindelo WMS - Free Warehouse Automation System


SFTP Client instalar.exe 5.3 M
WinXP reg script sign or seal WinXP_SignOrSeal.reg 4.0 k

Filipi Vianna

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